Giant sets for giant gains?
Giant sets are a great high-intensity training technique where you do 4 or more exercises for one muscle group consecutively without taking any rest time between exercises. It’s a similar concept as the superset, only with at least two more exercises added on.
Benefits of giant sets:
1. Time saved; depending on the body part trained an entire workout can be completed in around 35 to 45 minutes.
2. Condensing maximal bouts of sustained output into such a short period does wonders for both muscle building and fat loss.
3. They provide the intensity boost needed to encourage new gains in muscle mass. The combination of exercises coupled with a sustained period of exertion serves to target a muscle group from all angles hitting deep muscle fibers and stimulating growth.
4. They shock a muscle into growing, giants sets are thought to be unequalled: by forcing more blood into a specific muscle group (which helps to deliver amino acids to enhance the healing process resulting from the micro tearing of the muscle fibres) compared with any other training protocol, they exponentially create a compounding effect that encourages extreme gains.
5. The added difficulty completing four exercises back to back creates can also force assisting muscle groups to work to their fullest.
6. In transitioning from one movement to the next, such is the degree of difficulty, that special neuromuscular pathways must be activated to properly coordinate each rep of each set. Like learning any new skill, adjusting to giant sets training requires the firing of new nerves and specific neuromuscular responses to the unique challenge using giant sets presents.
7. They provide a great way to stimulate further gains by implanting giant sets to change a training routine often so the body does not become accustomed to a specific programme.